Bartender Reference Guide

Bar Measurements

Standard Bar Measurements (US)

1 part = any equal part
1 dash/splash = 1/32 ounce
1 teaspoon (tsp) = 1/8 ounce
1 tablespoon (tblsp) = 3/8 ounce
1 pony = 1 ounce
1 jigger/bar glass = 1 1/2 ounces
1 shot (*) = 1 1/2 ounces
1 wineglass = 4 ounces
1 split = 6 ounces
1 cup = 8 ounces
1 pint (pt) = 16 ounces
1 quart (qt) = 32 ounces
1 fifth = 25.6 ounces (1/5 gallon)
1 gallon (gal) = 128 ounces


Metric Conversions

1 fluid ounce (oz) = 29.573 milliliters
1 quart (qt) = 9.4635 deciliters
1 gallon (gal) = 3.7854 liters
1 milliliter (ml) = 1/30 ounce
1 centiliter (cl) = 1/3 ounce
1 deciliter (dl) = 3 1/2 ounces
1 liter (l) = 34 ounces


Other Measurements

English Metric
Fifth = 4/5 Quart = 1/5 Gal. = 25.6 oz    =>    750 ml = 25.5 oz
Pint (pt) = 1/2 Quart = 16.0 oz    =>    500 ml = 17.0 oz
Half-Pint = 8.0 oz    =>    200 ml = 6.8 oz
Half-Gallon = 64.0 oz    =>    1750 ml = 59.7 oz
Quart = 32.0 oz    =>    1000 ml = 34.1 oz

(*) A "shotglass" is usually 1.5 ounces, but sometimes 2 ounces with a measuring line at 1.5 ounces. You can also b
uy (in US) "short shot" glasses or "pony shots" which are 1 ounce. Pony shots are usually used with martinis, manhattans, and rob roys.


                                           MILLIGRAMS CAFFEINE
ITEM                                       AVERAGE     RANGE

Coffee (5-oz. cup)
  Brewed, drip method                      115         60-180
  Brewed, percolator                        80         40-170
  Instant                                   65         30-120
  Decaffeinated, brewed                      3          2-5
  Decaffeinated, instant                     2          1-5

Tea (5-oz. cup)
  Brewed, major U.S. brands                 40         20-90
  Brewed, imported brands                   60         25-110
  Instant                                   30         25-50
  Iced (12-oz. glass)                       70         67-76

Cocoa beverage (5-oz. cup)                   4          2-20
Chocolate milk beverage (8 oz.)              5          2-7
Milk chocolate (1 oz.)                       6          1-15
Dark chocolate, semi sweet (1 oz.)          20          5-35
Baker's chocolate (1 oz.)                   26            26
Chocolate-flovored syrup (1 oz.)             4             4

BRAND                                      MILLIGRAMS CAFFEINE
                                           (12-oz. serving)

Sugar-Free Mr. PIBB                        58.8
Mountain Dew                               54.0
Mello Yello                                52.8
TAB                                        46.8
Coca-Cola                                  45.6
Diet Coke                                  45.6
Shasta Cola                                44.4
Shasta Cherry Cola                         44.4
Shasta Diet Cola                           44.4
Mr. PIBB                                   40.8
Dr. Pepper                                 39.6
Diet Dr. Pepper                            39.6
Big Red                                    38.4
Sugar Free Big Red                         38.4
Pepsi-Cola                                 38.4
Aspen                                      36.0
Diet Pepsi                                 36.0
Pepsi Light                                36.0
RC Cola                                    36.0
Diet Rite                                  36.0
Kick                                       31.2
Canada Dry Jamaica Cola                    30.0
Canada Dry Diet Cola                        1.2

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