Reverse the CO2 Trend

Today is Earth Day, and in addition to turning off unnecessary lights, drinking less bottled water, and switching to biodegradable clothing (watch out for rain storms!), it is also an excellent day to become a bit more educated on the perpetual dialogue about climate change.

One aspect of the discussion is the level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere — grouped in as one of the “greenhouse gases” — and how it has been rising steadily. If nothing else, use today as an excuse to learn how to reverse the trend:


On a slightly less serious note, in celebration of Earth Day, NASA presents images of Earth captured by cameras aboard the International Space Station. Traveling at an approximate speed of 17,500 miles per hour, the space station orbits Earth every 90 minutes from an altitude of approximately 220 miles, and can be seen from Earth with the naked eye. Its crew experiences 16 sunrises and sunsets each day.

Congratulations, Mr. President


The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.

— Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the United States of America, January 20, 2009

Congratulations, President-Elect Obama!

“…a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.”
— President-Elect Obama, November 4, 2008

Many heartfelt congratulations to President-Elect Barack Obama and Vice President-Elect Joe Biden. What a fantastic end to a very, very long election cycle. Here’s to a different, hopefully better path for our nation!


It’s your right.

Young people, women, and underrepresented groups all fought hard for the right to vote. And even today there are countries where people are still dying for the right to vote.