Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

Many of us are trying to work out and get to certain weight and muscle tone goals. So, in my boredom many years ago, I made this neat little Body Mass Index calculator.

The phrases that come up when you hit the “Which Means” button are purely for enjoyment. (I thought I’d bold that so nobody took offense!) However, the actual calculation process is certified by the U.S. Department of Health and the formula is taken from one of their web pages.

So how do you know if you’re tipping the scale?

The new standard figures a Body Mass Index (BMI) by multiplying the number 703, times your weight, divided by your squared height in inches. A Body Mass Index of 25 or higher means you are potentially overweight:

(your weight) x 703/(your height in inches)2

  • As an example, if you weigh 170 pounds and are 5″10″ tall:
  • You multiply 170 x 703= 119,510.
  • Then convert your height into inches (70) and multiply it by itself. 70 x 70 = 4900.
  • Then Divide 119,510 by 4900 = 24.38.
  • You are NOT overweight according to the guidelines.

Enter your weight here: lbs. (convert from kilograms)
Enter your height here: in.
Your BMI is:

Now, I did this and was grossly upset by the result. 🙁 However, this can’t be true always. Since muscle mass is greater than adipose (fat tissue) mass, your calculations might be off. However, it’s something to remind you to put down those doughnuts.