Conversations while I am on an airplane typically go one of three ways:
- Exchange some pleasantries, discuss a mundane topic, and then politely go back to my own business
- Talk for two minutes and then realize I’d rather gouge my eyeballs out with the passenger safety card than continue talking
- Engage in a few deeper discussions that often reveal some interesting insights or perspectives on the world and make me a more enlightened person
To be certain, options 1 and 2 represent approximately 90% of the conversations I have on planes – if I ever do begin conversing in the first place. But sometimes, option 3 appears and it is like a wave of positive emotion that washes over the entire flying experience.
While on a lengthy overseas flight this past weekend, I was seated next to a 69-year old gentleman who was returning from a vacation with his bride of 50 years. They were split up between rows (hey, take the first class upgrades however you can get them!) so it was just the two of us in our row. Shortly after we sat down, it was obvious that she was his caretaker, and I’d have to pitch in some of those duties (moving things around, getting out the tray table, etc.). I really didn’t mind at all.
Somewhere in the middle of the flight, he wanted to relax a bit and watch a movie, so asked for some help. He was navigating the touch screen menus with relative ease, despite the language barrier getting in the way. He then paused, looked right at me, and said “this is just the beginning.” Interested to know more, I asked what he meant by that. He said, “technology has evolved so much during my lifetime, but this is really just the beginning. There is so much future innovation that is yet to happen.”

In January I had the privilege of visiting the Consumer Electronics Show, “CES” to those inner circle-types, and couldn’t have been more amazed by what I saw. The show displayed everything from connected homes and appliances to wearable health technology to cars that apply intelligence to your day to all sorts of flying objects like the EHANG184 Autonomous Aerial Vehicle pictured to the right. If you’re not familiar with the show, it is 2.5 million square feet (232,000 square meters) of hands-on immersion experiences, keynote speeches, and discussion panels across many subsections of technology. Visitors get an exclusive look at what is on the market today, and a glimpse of what is coming a few years down the road. There is more on display than can possibly be viewed during the show hours.
The gentleman next to me on the flight was absolutely correct.

Great article! Very well written! I have learned a lot from sitting next to interesting people on flights who live a wide variety of lives. My hours logged, however, are far behind yours!
Yes, the beginning of a strange new world and we cannot imagine the consequences!
Dear Upbeat and Downstairs: Home of Daryl C. DuLong
Nice to talk to you.
My name is Yuta Sugawara.
How are you doing?
I hope you are doing well.
Currently, I live and work in Tokyo.
First, sorry to message you all of a sudden.
I’m here to ask your permission to use your blog content on our Facebook page.
We made a Facebook page for conveying the allure of Japan to those who don’t know about Japan.
At this point, we have about 20,000 fans from all over the world on our Facebook page.
Since we are going turn it into a web service with its own site at the end of March, we need native English bloggers to help get people interested.
I looked at your blog posts about Japan, which are so organized and easy to read with your fantastic description of each location.
Thus, I thought the concept of your blog matches right up with the concept for our Facebook page.
This is why I’m contacting you, to ask permission to share posts from your blog onto our Facebook page. Of course, we’d provide a link back to your original post each time.
Or even better, if you could write posts for your blog on our web service.
It’d be great if you could collaborate with us on making content for the site as a writer.
In the process, we’d be totally open to hearing input from you, like how the design on a blog page should look.
If you’re up for it, I’d really like to have you on our team.
Let’s make a wonderful blog platform together.
When it comes to attracting customers,
I’m willing to go the extra mile.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yuta Sugawara