Phreakin’ Phil

Phil - Groundhog Day 2005 Curse you, Punxsutawney Phil! The “Prognosticator of Prognosticators” was rudely awoken this morning and, most likely out of spite, predicted six more weeks of winter. Granted, there are always six more weeks of winter from this point forward, but it’s fun to blame the cold and snow on something else. Especially if that something else is a marmot.

Tonight is the State of the Union speech by our beloved monkey president, which means that I’ll most likely catch the first twenty minutes and then tape the rest. In my opinion, the Daily Show with Jon Stewart coverage of the speech should be much more interesting than the speech itself. As a matter of fact, the Daily Show coverage of January’s inauguration speech was absolutely hysterical and served as a counterbalance to a speech that has been deemed a “vacuous … sermon” by Zbigniew Brzezinski from the PBS Newshour.

I’ll stop yapping now. I’m a Democrat who needs to mourn the loss and move on!

Before I forget, a new Red Sox Blog popped up today, and it happens to be a really good read. I recommend checking it out and taking a look at the photos that I (shameless plug) coincidentally took.

4 thoughts on “Phreakin’ Phil”

  1. Historically, Phil has been correct 40% of the time. That’s less accurate than if you were to flip a coin. Centuries from now, alien civilizations will laugh at our society’s demands on its rodent population.

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