Modern Art

Try as I might — and believe me, I’ve tried — I just don’t understand modern art.

5 thoughts on “Modern Art”

  1. I think it might be! And yet there were hundreds of people looking rather intently at the pieces. Clearly they were in a different genetic branch.

  2. “All ladies are women, but not all women are ladies.”
    With that said, “art” is a loaded word, and it carries lots of cultural baggage with it. So does the word “modern” or “contemporary.”

    I don’t get this piece, either because the maker didn’t know how to finish the concept, or didn’t care to go more than halfway to finish the concept. But then, the thing about contemporary artists is that they know that if they do give it all to you in a package, you’re likely to take a position relative to the artist rather than taking a position relative to the concept of the work itself. It just sucks when they don’t even go halfway to reach me.

    The only thing we can say for sure is that the maker of this piece got into the gallery and got people to look at this stuff.
    And sometimes, I wish there was more of this:

  3. I do! I know there are several proposals to abolish them, but they do serve a useful purpose. Just count “one” twice tomorrow night and all will be well.

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